Hey I’m Sören. I’m a writer, designer, social media manager, and so incredibly much more. Welcome to My Carrd.

Sören Stats 
nameSören (Zir- ehn) Grace
timezoneEST (GMT -5)

basicsHi I'm Sören. You can call me Sör. I do a lot of writing, yelling, and generalized posting on multiple platforms about media, about life, about day to day, about anything and everything. Feel free to chat with me at any time, as i’m always down to make new friends and discuss a multitude of topics.before you engageDespite having my own child, I do not tend to be all too fond of kids. We can chat, but be prepared to be babied, as you are pretty much a toddler in my eyes. I also discuss a LOT of heavy topics in threads and long posts about different media, so be aware that sometimes things are ROUGH around here.DNIIf you are incapable of having discussions in which people do not inherently agree with you, you deny canon material is relevant, if you hate villains, anti-heroes, and generalized assholes, if you hate Severus Snape, if you defend sexual assault, if you cannot have debates without getting upset.

characters I loveI have a deep-seated love for Severus Snape. He is My major fixation, and I can (and will) talk about him at length to anyone that will (or won’t) listen. I also have a lot of opinions about Harry Potter characters in general, and can discuss Them at length as well. Other faves include Steven Universe, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Dipper Pines, and a plethora more.my fave showsI tend toward watching cartoons and children’s media because it’s usually more visually interesting and keeps My focus. That said, I do love the German TV series Dark, Steven a universe, Gravity Falls, pretty much every early 2000s-2010s nicktoons show, and many more.musicI was a music major for a very long period of time, and thus My music tastes are batshit insane and varying. If you want a recommendation, I always have one. My current musical fixations are K-pop, classical, and indie R&B

Current Works

Select below to read about each of my fanfics.

Welcome! You can find all of my currently running and completed fics behind these tabs. Pick one at random to find something fun.

Harry Potter and The American
Mature, Ongoing
In which, after Voldemort's failed assassination of baby Harry, the Malfoys flee to Texas. Draco returns to Britain in 4th year and all hell breaks loose.

Explicit, Ongoing
Harry Potter is a manipulative asshole that lied to get what he wanted and now he has to deal with the fallout.

Matters of Submission
Draco Malfoy x Unidentified
Mature, Complete
3,069 words
Draco has a set way that he ends the week. He get in his flower order for next week, he goes home and takes the most luxurious bath and does his hair care routine. Then Draco waits for Him to get home.

Monster for Martyr
Mature, Ongoing
Remus John Lupin was born to have his aspirations and dreams ripped away. Remus John Lupin was born to be a Monster, raised to be a Martyr.

Thunderous Retribution
Theodore Nott solo
Mature, Ongoing
Theodore Nott was gone in the year leading up to the Battle, but that's exactly what he needed to do. When he came back, however, it was with new magic and new information.

Forgive Me, Father
Mature, Ongoing
The Potters are dead. Voldemort is dead. Severus is dead inside. Remus was too late. And someone has to calm the child. Snupin atone for the sins they bear by taking Harry and disappearing.

Peppermint, Skullcap, and Chamomile
Explicit, Ongoing
Severus Snape has never been good at coping with anything. He has vices-- alcohol, drugs, sex-- and has been slowly killing himself and worrying those that care. Remus is sent to fix that by any means necessary, even if it means using himself.

My fics tend to include heavy themes like drinking, drug use, physical violence, or sexual language/scenes. Read at your own discretion.

styleI write in full paragraph, novel styles. Typically, My writings will feature a lot of descriptors, thought processes, and some dialogue, but not always. I do not tend to do short responses, unless warranted, and can’t say I’ve ever been a fan of the casual type of roleplays.requirementsI do not and will not roleplay with people under 18. Characters I have created or that I roleplay as are ALL over age 18, some by a very wide margin, and as such I do not find comfort in roleplaying with those under the same threshold regardless of whether you are roleplaying as an adult character or not.

short writing exampleIt was intriguing, always, to observe a new space, a new face, a new soul. But this one wasn’t…. Normal. Not the usual She interacted with, and so it was even more fascinating. The man looked relaxed and casual one moment and then when Her sneakers dragged across the bark of the tree She sat high up in, he tensed.Good reflexes… and hearing… She climbed down, lightly rustling the branches while keeping an eye trained on his movements. Oh, he was so interesting, his gaze sweeping to find sight of Her and gripping… something. She wasn’t sure what but felt it needed closer inspection. She stepped off the last branch, dusting the leaves and debris from Her skirt before taking a step and ending up beside him.“What’s this?” She asked, lightly poking the bottle in his hand and gazing up at him from Her new position. “And what does it do?”

Longer examples can be provided, however they will have past partner’s OCs within the text.

Severus Eryx Prince

some children are born with tragedy in their blood

a snapshot 
nameSeverus Snape
originBritish & Korean

  height    6’1” (185cm)  weight    183 lbs (83kg)  eyes    black  hair    black  scars    across back and arms  languages    EN, DE, LAT, KR, FR  parents   Tobias Snape & Eileen Prince  mbti    INFJ

Severus grew up in a poor neighbourhood in Cokeworth. His days were spent outside, avoiding his father's wrath and his mother’s complacency. During the summer he turned 8, he met Lily and they became friends through their shared love for the unusual, bugs, experimenting, and ballet. As they got older, their paths would diverge and reconvene at times, but their love for one another was a constant.

At age 15, Severus developed a crush, and subsequent romance, for a number of people. His first kiss was Regulus Black, his first love was Remus Lupin, and his first spiral was into the arms of Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy. His decision to become a Death Eater led to him losing his relationships with Lily and Remus both, a deeply felt hit to his core.Over the years, Severus became more and more self-destructive, the mounting war taking hefty tolls on him physically and psychologically. He turned to drinking, drugs, and sex as coping mechanisms and more often than not, was alone drowning his sorrows in his vices or in the Malfoy’s bed.After Lily’s loss he got worse, was pulled together again by Remus, and regained some semblance of existing for a purpose. Shortly after Remus came back into his life, Severus changed his name, wishing to be free from his father’s influence and the shackles his name brought.

colour palette

I never had a chance to be soft.
I was always bloody knuckles and shards of glass.

Mac Solas

You can tell how dangerous a person is by the way they hold their anger inside themselves quietly.

His Majesty 
nameMac Solas
age4000 years old, appears 27
speciesHigh Fae

  height    6’4”  weight    210 lbs  eyes    light blue  hair    blond  scars    many across his torso  parents   the high king, oreus and high queen, aerlis  languages    gaelic, english  mbti   entj

Solas is the fourth son of the king, the fifth child of seven, however he is the Heir to the throne. His right to the throne was cemented by a ritual when all seven of the King’s children were of age. In the final moments of the ritual, his eldest brother about to be declared, Solas screamed in pain and the mark of the Goddess burned its way into his shoulder.

His family is a complicated one. Being the Heir to the throne requires he spend time amongst the varying kinds of fae in his court but also time amongst his countless siblings and other family members. He has travelled about the world from a very young age and continues to do so constantly. His usual entourage consists of several tutors, his closest friends, advisors and a few stylists.
It was enjoyable for him in early years but has since become a thing he looks back on with disdain. His upbringing made him who he is. When he looks back on it now, he understands that he was a very lonely child and seeks to remedy that now by making friends of anyone and everyone. He attempts to make sure anyone in his company is not alone, not feels left out.
His parental relationship is very good. He stays in contact with them at least once a week, and will consult his mother before any major decision. He and his father are close, but not nearly as close as he is to his mother, who travelled with him for the majority of his childhood.

colour palette

He is rage and sunlight and heat and vengeance.

Graphics & Editing

Over the years I've gained a LOT of knowledge on how to make graphics that range from minimalist and balanced to over the top complicated but still legible. There is a delicacy in both that I absolutely LOVE to build and as such, I've decided to open commissions for it!I find the same delicacy and balance needed in editing, though I primarily focus on photo editing. Making a photo balanced between being edited enough that it clears out all the strange things happening in shoots is an art, and every time I get better at it, I feel such an immense amount of pride. I have a massive art background, so it, in my opinion, strengthens my work and lets me see things from a different angle a lot of the time.

Discord Builds

My discord servers are, in the words of many of my friends and colleagues, INTENSE. My builds often include a great deal of channels, aesthetics, perms, and features of discord that most don't even know exist! MY servers are all very detailed and thorough, tailored to your needs, and always going to be high quality. I will also typically stay through members joining and perusing the server in order to catch and fix any issues that might come up in the first week or so of opening.On the other side of discord management, I can offer discord bot builds, which come at a separate premium due to the fact that there is a bit more involved in this AND that these bots are made on a platform with its own build fees.

Will/ Won't make

So what will I make and what won't I make?will
sfw graphics, twitter graphics, discord graphics, nsfw graphics (18+ ONLY, and an additional cost), short video edits, photo edits, branding kits, logos, banners, headers
incest edits, pedo edits, heavy gore edits, nsfw work for minors, beastiality edits, work on top of someone else's work
I reserve the right to deny any work for any reason and will always communicate why I will not take on a work.

Let's create together.

classical music playlist